2012년 5월 29일 화요일

Great Fish Market in Seoul, South Korea

Today, we went to a seafood market / fish market called Garak Market (가락시장) in Songpa, Seoul 
South Korea

Shells and conch

Yummy shrimps !!

Sea squirt and sea cucumber

King crabs and and snow crabs

Live blue crabs

Skates, or thornback rays.

Koreans make these rays into raw sashimi.

Mackerel and hairtail fish

Halibut and spanish mackerel


The seafood market had many fish stores. Each store has fish tanks with various fish in them.

Some kind of live tropical fish

Live halibut and mullet
Koreans come and a choose store they like and pick a fish they want. Then the store owner make it into raw and fresh sashimi.

Fish stores in the Garak fish market

Rockfish at the seafood market

Halibut and mullet

Fresh and live halibut. Looks yummy

They keep their fish as fresh as possible. Most of the fish are alive 

Lots of live halibut fish

It was impressive to see these fish stores at this fish market. These kind of stores only exist in Korea and Japan. 

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